Information on the Contractor’s selection regarding the request for proposals of 06/11/2017
Information on the Contractor’s selection regarding the request for proposals of 06/11/2017 — pertaining to the provision of an advisory service including the performance of a design audit and the development of a design strategy.

Invitation to tender for the performance of a design audit and the development of a design strategy

Application for project co-financing under sub-measure 3.2.2 “Credit for technological innovation” from ID

Delivery of the project co-financed by EU Funds POPW.01.04.00-06-0006/19 “Increase in EUROWEK brand recognition through the implementation of recommendations contained in the design strategy” under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014–2020, Measure 1.4 Design for competition, Stage II

Delivery of the project co-financed from EU Funds no. RPLU.03.07.00-06-0191/20 “Launching the production of fibreglass fabrics impregnated with an innovative impregnating agent obtained on the basis of a raw material recovered from waste generated during the production of these fabrics” under the Regional Operational Programme for the Lublin Province for the years 2014–2020, Measure 3.7 Increase of competitiveness of SMEs